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How to Maintain Mums Flowering Throughout the Season

Oct 24, 2022

How to Maintain Mums Flowering Throughout the Season

Care for mums is not particularly difficult, and you can keep them blooming throughout the season. In this post, we will examine their indoor and outdoor maintenance. Regardless of where you intend to plant your mums, choose those with numerous unopened buds. This will prolong your enjoyment of the flowers.

Care instructions for indoor mums

Most people are unaware that mums are typically root-bound when they are purchased. In order to maintain your mums healthy and vibrant, you will need a larger container. Be sure to use a high-quality potting soil mixture, adding a layer on the bottom before separating the roots and repotting the mum. Once you've repotted your mums, you only need to perform the following:

  • Put your mums plants in a sunny place in your home. Find a window that lets in plenty of sunshine and ensure that it receives at least four hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Maintain soil moisture. The worst thing that can happen to your mums is for them to get overly dry. If this occurs, you can place the pot in a container or bucket containing two to three inches of water so the plant can absorb it. Be careful to water your mums at the base of the plant, just at the surface of the soil.
  • Regular deadheading promotes long-lasting blooms. Removing wilted blooms and dead stems/leaves not only makes your mums look more attractive but also helps your plant bloom for a longer period of time since the dead blooms and stems no longer compete with the newer buds and blooms for water and nutrients.
  • When the weather begins to warm, you can plant your mums outdoors once they have finished blooming. Mums will only bloom once indoors, but if you keep the plant green until you transfer it outdoors, you can enjoy it again next year.

Maintaining outdoor mums

Similar to interior mums, outdoor and garden plants require ample sunlight. Be sure to plant your mums in soil that drains properly; organic soil or compost will produce robust, healthy mums. Other requirements for outdoor care of mums include:

  • Give mums plenty of room. Plant your mums around 18 inches away from other plants, so their roots have room to grow.
  • Not too much water. Water the soil beneath the foliage, as soaking the flowers and leaves might cause fungus. After the initial week of frequent watering, ensure that mums receive one inch of water every week.
  • Deadhead. As stated previously, removing wilted flowers and dead stems or leaves extends the blooming period of mums.
  • In colder climates, it may be necessary to mulch your mums with leaves, wood chips, or straw. Mulch should encircle the entire base of your mums and reach a height of three to four inches.
  • If frost destroys your mums, have no fear. Simply prune them so that only about an inch of stems remain above the ground, and keep the mulch intact surrounding the plant. In the spring, your mums will re-grow.

Prevent Weeds Around Your Mums

Your plants' enemies are weeds. Weeds will compete with your mums for sunlight, water, nutrients, and space. Protect them using preventative weed management techniques, such as a weed barrier, mulch, and compost.

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