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How to prune dormant trees

Dec 15, 2022

How to prune dormant trees

While most people take a summer break to enjoy the warmer weather, trees prefer winter as the best time to rest. The tree's growth is temporarily slowed during this period, which allows homeowners to provide much-needed maintenance without causing damage to the limbs or foliage. We offer many services that will increase the value of your home, protect your investment, and save you money.

Pruning: Why?

Pruning is used to alter the growth and shape of a plant. Professional pruning can prevent many future problems. Pruning can be used for the following reasons:


A lifetime of shade, fruits, flowers, and beauty can be provided by healthy trees. These conditions can have a negative effect on your health:

  • Branches that rub together
  • Branch stubs that may encourage wood decay
  • Branch death or destruction, whether from internal or external causes


It may be necessary to maintain the following:

  • Dense growth
  • Preferred form
  • The development of fruits or blooms


Pruning should be done to enhance the beauty and natural form of the tree.

  • Keep natural proportions
  • Remove undesirable growth
  • You can control the size and shape
  • Increase curb appeal for your home


You can protect your family, friends, and property by using pruning techniques that include:

  • Remove branches that hang above walkways, rooflines, parking spaces, or any other areas where they could cause injury or damage.
  • Dead branches removed
  • Create a clear line from your home's entryway

How to prune dormant trees

Pruning trees in winter and early spring before the beginning of spring growth gives the tree enough time to heal from any injuries. It also minimizes exposure to bugs, bacteria, or fungi. To minimize injury to individuals or trees, special tools and safety equipment must be used. This is why it's best to leave this task to qualified professionals.

Pruning Types

  • Cleaning - This is a type of pruning that removes dead or damaged limbs in order to prevent injury or further damage.
  • Raising - Select lower branches are removed to increase clearance for people, vehicles, and signage.
  • Thinning - To encourage more air movement and light penetration, strategic thinning is used to reduce the density of branches.
  • Reduction - This should only be used when necessary to reduce the tree's height or width. It can cause damage to the tree's health and integrity if done incorrectly or with a species that is more sensitive.

Pruning Tips & Techniques

  • Small branches - You can trim small branches by cutting them back to the main branch or making a clean, slanted cut about one-quarter inch away from the nearest bud.
  • Large branches - To avoid injury to the bark, a series of cuts must be made. Start at the base of the branch and cut approximately one-third of it. This should be done between 18 and 2 feet away from the main trunk.

You should make the second cut from the top of each branch, about one inch farther out than the first. Continue cutting until the branch is broken.

To promote natural healing, the final cut should be made just above the branch collar.

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